Friday, 2021-08-13


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Posters and Demonstrations Track

Poster papers provide a forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. They allow authors and interested participants to connect to each other and to engage in discussions about the work presented. Poster papers should briefly summarize the work to be presented motivating its relevance to the performance engineering community and providing pointers to further information and related work.

Demonstration papers present an existing tool or research prototype clearly identifying the novelty of the ideas demonstrated. Authors are expected to prepare a poster and perform a live demonstration on their own laptop during the poster session. Demonstration papers must describe the goals of the demonstration and key ideas involved in building the tool or prototype. These papers may include use cases or specific results to be presented as part of the demo.

Both poster and demonstration papers will be reviewed and will appear in the Conference Proceedings.

The track is also open to submissions that do not include a paper. In that case, the poster or demonstration is reviewed directly, based on the submitted poster or demonstration material. Lacking a standard paper form, such submissions will not appear in the Conference Proceedings.


Submission process

Submit via Easychair. (Closed)


Submission deadlines

Submission deadline is 11:59 PM (23:59, submitter's local time)  on January 16, 2014.


Submissions must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings. The submissions should be clearly marked in the text as "Poster Paper" or "Demonstration Paper". The papers should not exceed 2 pages double column including figures and tables.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register at the full rate, attend the conference and present the paper. Presented papers will be published in the ICPE 2014 conference proceedings that will be published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library. Authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism as well as to the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.